Thanks to twenty-six medium pressure UV systems, visitors of Poland's new Fabryka Wody waterpark can enjoy healthier water without trichloramine, or as we at LIFETECH...
LIFETECH is proud that its unique LifeOX®M technology, including LifeAGE® technology, has been selected as the best technology for pool water treatment in Russia's...
Why Choose LifeAGE® The most economic and eco-friendly technology guaranteeing minimum operating costs. Water Treatment Water treatment (disinfection,...
Brief history of LifeOX®M technology LIFETECH has more than 35 years of experience in the development of ozone, UV and AOP (Advanced OxidationProcess) technologies....
What is part of the UV supply? When you order low pressure or medium pressure UV for water treatment you can expect to receive 2 parts in the box. You can see...
Both low pressure and medium pressure UV systems exploit the power of UV radiation. However, there is a huge difference in their technology and effects they have...
In this article we aim to answer the basic questions about UV systems. Such as: What are UV lamps used for? How UV lamp or its UV light works? How...